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Мейсон-Мэри Mason Capwell Mary Duvall
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Ага... Это ж сколько переводить со словарем нужно...
Я только концовку пока глянула, непредсказуемая Люси изменила Кевину с Айаном... :-{

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врывался в морозильник, где трупы были сохранены в Риме

Ну чем не СБ :laugh: ! Электронный переводчик - жесть. Я не устану это повторять. :lol:

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врывался в морозильник, где трупы были сохранены в Риме

Всем спокойной ночи!Фото/изображение с Телесериал.com

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Краткая история характера

Доктор Кевин Коллинз прибыл в Порт Чарльз в начале 1994. Он приехал в город, чтобы помочь реабилитировать его идентичного брата-близнеца, серийного убийцу Райана Чемберлена, который был в психиатрической больнице. Кевин думал, что может помочь своему брату выздороветь своими собственными терапевтическими методами. Ему пришлось нелегко, потому что он выглядел идентичным человеку, которого все боялись и ненавидели. Кевин навещал своего брата Райана несколько раз и думал, что делал успехи. Однако он не осознавал, что Райан использовал его, чтобы избежать психиатрической больницы.

Далее Райан сбежал и выдавал себя за Кевина.

Райану удалось избежать тюрьмы и исполнить роль Кевина кратко, чтобы похитить ребенка Фелисии в Больнице общего профиля. Кевин помог, Mac и Фелисия нашли Райана и ребенка в 1995. Райан убил себя. Кевин все еще чувствовал некоторую вину в судьбе Райана.

В 1994 на более романтичной ноте Кевин оказывал поддержку Люси Коу. Люси приехала к Кевину с моральной дилеммой. Он помог ей , но нашел себя привлеченным. Кевин думал, что виноват в смерти Грейс (вроде бы его бывшая возлюбленная ), которая утонула в автомобиле. Люси помогла ему. Кевин под гипнозом психиатра пришел к выводу, что Грэйс вела автомобиль, и что он был без сознания в автомобиле и не мог спасти ее вовремя.
Люси сближалась с Кевином, и они начали сильные, нежные отношения.


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Далее описываются какие-то психические отклонения Кевина и проблемы по работе.

Временные помутнения, на работе действовал беспорядочно, взял в пленницу Фелисию (с ножом!!!) .
Люси узнала от него, что у него были проблемы в детстве, в 4-летнем возрасте с матерью и братом.
Люси поддерживала его после того, как он был обвинен в похищении и преследовании Фелисии. Фелисия была сердита и поддержала обвинения против него, но в конечном счете понизила их, когда она поняла, что он преднамеренно не пытался причинить ей боль.

:cry: :cry: :cry: КАКОЙ КОШМАР!!!

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Просмотр сообщения Цитата

Чтобы запустить "Санта-Барбару", нельзя быть новичком. Джером и Бриджит Добсон, создатели сериала, не были новичками... Бриджит родилась в семье сценаристов, её родители - авторы одного из самых старых мыл, "Главный госпиталь" (1963-?), и начала с молодости писать сценарии для телевидения.

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Кевин решил написать вымышленный детективный роман под названием Общее Убийство. Роман был бестселлером, и характеры были основаны на людях, которые работали в Больнице общего профиля, которую он знал. Однако, книга поймала внимание настоящего убийцы. Убийца начал копировать стиль убийств и убил несколько докторов и медсестер в GH. Кевин завербовал помощь своего друга Mac, комиссара полиции, чтобы помочь расследовать убийства. Убийцей, оказалось, был Грег Купер, доктор.

Когда положение вещей возвратилось к нормальному, Кевин сделал предложение Люси, и она его приняла.
Люси была беременна. Однако беременность потерпела неудачу. Их двойная свадьба с Фелисией и Mac также приняла различный оборот, когда Кевин узнал, что Люси лгала ему о ее косвенной причастности к автокатастрофе, которая оставила суррогатную дочь Люси, Серену, слепую. Кевин отменил свадьбу с Люси.
Он был в шоке, когда нашел ее во Флориде со Скоттом в гостиничном номере. Он был опустошен и повернулся к своему другу, доктору Ив Ламберт.


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Кевин влюбился в Ив и они поженились. Они были счастливы некоторое время, пока новый доктор по имени Иэн Торнхарт не приехал в город и привлек внимание Ив. Кевин не понимал, что Ив влюбилась в Иэна, потому что взрыв за пределами клуба, как предполагали, "убил" Ив и Иэна в автомобиле. Кевин был опустошен и Люси его поддержала.

Дальше какие-то заморочки с отцовством Ливви.
Люси использовала волосы Кевина в качестве образца для теста ДНК, чтобы они соответствовали образцу волос Ливви. Тест ДНК доказал, что Кевин был отцом Ливви. Кевин был доволен новостями.
( но типа отец-то на самом деле вовсе не он ).

Кевин начал полагаться на Люси все больше, и они в конечном счете стали любовниками снова. Потом вернулась его жена. Кевин понял, что все еще любит Люси. Он и Люси связались снова, но темные силы ( вампир Калеб Морли) заставили их разойтись.
Кевин имел дело с непредсказуемой Люси и ее неверностью с Иэном.


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Просмотр сообщения Lucy (Пятница, 11 декабря 2009, 01:04:56) писал:

Люси узнала от него, что у него были проблемы в детстве, в 4-летнем возрасте с матерью и братом.
molesting - растление малолетних

Просмотр сообщения Цитата

Убийцей, оказалось, был Грег Купер, доктор.
Тот самый доктор-недоучка, который в первой серии Порта Чарльз захватил в заложники группу интернов и угрожал их убить.

Я нашла у себя на старом диске чат с Линдстромом от 98 года.

Jon Lindstrom

AOL Chat: 9/18/98

Jon Lindstrom (Dr. Kevin Collins)

OnlineHost: Good afternoon everyone! This is ABCTim and I'm just waiting to get Jon on the phone with me. Jon is working today and is doing this during his lunch break. As you all know, today we are talking to Jon Lindstrom, Port Charles' Kevin Collins. Lets take the first question.....

Question: This question is for Jon Lindstrom. Hello, I'm a huge fan of PC and GH. I love Doc and Lucy!! Can you possibly tell us if there's any chance of them getting back together at all!??!! Thanks, Heather from Chicago

Jon Lindstrom: No. I can't tell you. But of course, there is no such thing as a happy love relationship in daytime.

Question: Have you ever not liked the direction the writers took your character? What did you do? How much control over character development and storyline do you have?

Jon Lindstrom: There are times when I disagree with a given direction or story. My job is not to be judgmental. As an actor, you have very little control over the direction of a storyline. But any creative person relishes the chance to embellish it or make it better.

Question: Jon, you and Lynn have a great chemistry together!! Was it hard playing her lover when her real husband came on to play Rex? Keep up the great work!

Jon Lindstrom: Thanks for the compliment. Frankly, that was my big chance to drive Wayne Northrop crazy so I milked it for all it was worth.

Question: Hi Jon. Do you enjoy being at Port Charles rather than GH....or do you miss GH?

Jon Lindstrom: I miss the people on GH, but I enjoy working everyday.

Question: There are so many rumors that PC will be dumped. Please tell us that isn't true. PC has become a very great show.

Jon Lindstrom: If it is true, it's the first time I've heard of it. It's just a rumor. Our numbers are better than what was airing in the time period prior.

Question:What has your wife been doing since she left DOOL? She was a great villainess.

Jon Lindstrom: Taking care of herself and cooking for me.

Question: Will you be attending the soap week at Disney this year? I love to watch your show -- keep up the great job! mysha

Jon Lindstrom: No, not this year.

Question: Hi Jon, keep up the great work on Port Charles! How long have you been a musician?

Jon Lindstrom: Most of my life. Since the fifth grade.

Question: Jon, do you have any pets?

Jon Lindstrom: I have three dogs. We lost one dog and two cats over the past couple of years.

Question: So, Jon... c'mon, let us all in on the big secret! Who's the killer? Just a hunch, but could it be Eve? I'm thinking she's Kevin's long lost sister that has never been mentioned before. Any comments?

Jon Lindstrom: Well, if she is his sister, they better never have an affair.

Question: How long have you been married to Eileen Davis?

Jon Lindstrom: Eileen Davidson and I have been married almost a year and a half.

Question: How about dropping by some night to play with the High Lonesome? You know everyone and the fans would love to see you play again.

Jon Lindstrom: I am recording a song for one of the band members solo projects tomorrow. As far as performing again, that takes a lot of rehearsal and it's hard to work out but I would love to do it.

Question: What is it like working with a character like Lucy?

Jon Lindstrom: Believe it or not, she is one of the most disciplined straight arrows you would ever meet. I love the character of Lucy and I love working with Lynn.

Question: Hi Jon! I liked you a lot as Mark McCormick on Santa Barbara. How was it working on SB?

Jon Lindstrom: That was a great acting challenge but quite possibly the worst professional experience of my life.

Question: Do you enjoy the 1/2 hour format or the full hour more in terms of storyline?

Jon Lindstrom: I think a half hour format is better for telling story. It moves faster and is fresher.

Question: Is it true about Kevin having an additional brother??

Jon Lindstrom: I would welcome another brother, but I don't believe this baby mentioned today will be the one.

Question: It has been great seeing Ryan again so much. Do you enjoy getting a chance to play both roles again?

Jon Lindstrom: Yes I do. I think Ryan is the best character I've ever had the chance to play.

Question: Why does your dad call you MONK?

Jon Lindstrom: Because when Kevin was a child and they were living in Europe together, Kevin was very high strung and he would climb on everything. Victor started calling him Monk like monkey.

Question: Who/what has been the biggest influence in your life? Have a horror show day! --Jen

Jon Lindstrom: Movies have had the biggest influence. Next to that would be rock and roll music, my parents, Sean Connery. Last but not least, my wife.

Question: Do you have any children?

Jon Lindstrom: No, not yet.

Question: Jon, are Lucy and Kevin ever going to get married?

Jon Lindstrom: Not without a lot of work.

Question: Are you done taping for the day?

Jon Lindstrom: No, I'm doing this on my lunch break.

Question: Who's your favorite actor to work with?

Jon Lindstrom: I don't have one. Lynn Herring and Kin Shriner are at the top of my list. I think actors need to work with new people, new blood.

Question: Jon. Do you have a fan club?

Jon Lindstrom: I used to, but not any longer. It was too hard to maintain.

Question: Hi Jon! I want to tell you how gifted an actor you are! I applaud you on your heart wrenching scenes a couple years ago at Jasmine Island as well other scenes. What scenes and storylines are you most proud of?

Jon Lindstrom: Kevin and Ryan. Kevin and Lucy falling in love. Kevin and Lucy's break up. And going way back, Ryan and Felicia at the cabin.

Question: Do you have any things going on outside of Port Charles?

Jon Lindstrom: I wrote a screenplay and am in the process of trying to get it set up and get the film made.

Question: Hello Jon. How did you get started acting and when did you start?

Jon Lindstrom: I started when I was in grade school doing commercials for my father, who was in advertising. I made a career out of it through perseverance and stubbornness.

Question: I know you and Eileen are animal lovers, how many and what kinds of pets do you have now?

Jon Lindstrom: Three mutts that were rescued from pounds and I encourage everyone to do that.

Question: How did you get into soaps?

Jon Lindstrom: I was bartending and a casting director I had known was looking for someone to replace an actor on the soap Rituals. I read for it and the next day I got on a plane and went to Europe for three months. When I came back they were still looking. I read again, met the producer. That was a Friday. I gave my notice at the restaurant and started the soap on Monday.

Question: Hi, Jon! Thanks for your wonderful scenes. This week, I've laughed, cried, and had chillbumps over poor Kevin's plight. Will we know soon what happened at that picnic? .... (Lynelle F)

Jon Lindstrom: Hi Lynelle. Thanks for your great letters. Things should be made much more clear next week.

Question: Is it hard playing a good and a bad brother?

Jon Lindstrom: Actually no. It is amazingly easy.

Question: Hey Jon, I was just wondering what do you think are the ups and downs of working on PC as opposed to GH? ~Ashley

Jon Lindstrom: The ups are making more money in half the time. Meaning I have a lot more story and a lot more fun. The down is that you have a new show which is always difficult to break in. So I would like our audience to be larger. Especially since we offer what other shows don't do.

Question: Do you watch GH, and do you stay in touch with the guys from GH?

Jon Lindstrom: We work right across the street from each other so we see each other all the time. No, I don't watch the show.

Question: Will the General Homicide book be released in real life?

Jon Lindstrom: It would have been a great idea, but I don't know who could have written it. Maybe someday.

Question: Do you film in CA and where is your wife filming?

Jon Lindstrom: PC is made in Los Angeles. When Eileen was working on DOOL, she was in Los Angeles as well.

Question: Port Charles is looking mighty good these days! How's the rest of life treating you?.... (Lynelle)

Jon Lindstrom: Couldn't be better! Everything I've ever wanted is happening. Remember, the journey is the destination.

Question: How hard was it to transfer from one show to another, without getting confused?

Jon Lindstrom: It was very easy because we were shooting GH and the first episodes of PC at the same time. And, we were playing the same characters so it wasn't like anything new was being thrown at us.

Question: Jon, I wanted to tell you I love your new hairdo. ;-) Was that a personal choice or does it reflect a change in your characters personality? -- Cheryl

Jon Lindstrom: A little of both. I wanted to cut my hair so I decided to make a change in my character's personality.

Question: Hey! Your show rocks! Is there any chance that that baby is alive? Kate from Bflo, NY

Jon Lindstrom: That question will be answered in the very near future.

Question: Jon, you are great on PC and GH, I would like to see Kevin stay away from Lucy and get with Eve, any chance of this?

Jon Lindstrom: First, you are in the minority. And sure, that Eve is pretty sexy, you know.

Question: Jon, I'd like to know if you would like to play Ryan on a full time basis?

Jon Lindstrom: I did that on GH. There is only so far a character like that can go.

Question: How is Eileen doing? Bee from Mass

Jon Lindstrom: Eileen is just terrific. Couldn't be happier. She's surfing out there with the best of them.

Question: Of all the people you work with, who do you feel makes it more fun for you to work with and who makes it more serious?

Jon Lindstrom: You have to remember that they call it "playing" a scene. Anyone who is any good knows you have to have a sense of fun. We all have a great time. Kin Shriner is pretty funny.

Question: Is Nicholas Pryor as great a person as Victor tries to be?

Jon Lindstrom: Victor could never be as great a person as Nicholas Pryor is. It is a real blessing to work with someone with his experience as well.

Question: Jon, would you like to someday work on an acting project with your gorgeous, equally talented wife?

Jon Lindstrom: Sure. We are always looking for something. Any ideas?

Question: How long do u plan on staying on PC? I think you are a really terrific actor!! :)

Jon Lindstrom: I have at least a year and a half left. We'll have to see then.

Question: What changes would you like to see in what your character does? Misty from DC.

Jon Lindstrom: I think it is time for Kevin to get really ticked off. He needs to lose control and let it out.

Question: Does Lucy really like the pet duck as much as she acts on the show?

Jon Lindstrom: We all love the duck. The duck is probably the best actor we've ever worked with. We're all a bunch of suckers when it comes to furry creatures.


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Name: Kevin Collins (Jon Robert Lindstrom)

Occupation: Psychiatrist

Recent known associates: Elizabeth Barrington, Karen Wexler (deceased), Joshua Temple (deceased), Lucy Coe Collins (estranged wife), Ian Thornhart, Livvie Locke aka Olivia Morley (daughter), Christina Baldwin (stepdaughter), Frank Scanlon

Affiliation: Human

Bio in brief: Estranged from father Victor Collins. Past mental problems brought to surface by unintentional injection of psychotropic drug by soulless daughter Livvie. Problems worsened by Dr. Fox's music therapy. Drugged into compliance by Joshua Temple. Cut off when proved resistant to orders. Helped through withdrawal by Elizabeth Barrington and Dr. Karen Wexler. Returned to normal by Jamal's wish on Caleb's ring. Began to get his life back together by making amends to those he hurt. Injured in an "accident" meant for Alison and arranged by Livvie. Stayed with Lucy, Ian, and Christina to help recover from paralysis. Moved back home. Slowly recovering.

Темы с аналогичным тегами Мейсон-Мэри, Mason Capwell, Mary Duvall

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