
Роуз теперь блонди! )
kosta, Воскресенье, 10 августа 2003, 00:32:20

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kosta, такие же фотографии в другой теме! Ну да ладно. А насчет Роуз, она не совсем блондинка, я бы сказала блондинисто-рыживатая.

Клёвые фотки спасибо, но я их видел!Но всё равно спасибо. Честно скажу мне нравится Роуз и блондинкой и рыжей, мне не нравилось когда у неё были тёмные волосы.

Интересно, она это - чтобы от Алисски не отставать?
Я ее больше рыжей любила. Хотя это только в неподвижном состоянии - ну знаете, смотришь на фотку и думаешь: "Ё-мое, зачем она покрасилась то, а?". А потом поглядишь серию - все та же родная, и на цвет даже внимания не обращаещь.
Я ее больше рыжей любила. Хотя это только в неподвижном состоянии - ну знаете, смотришь на фотку и думаешь: "Ё-мое, зачем она покрасилась то, а?". А потом поглядишь серию - все та же родная, и на цвет даже внимания не обращаещь.
Кстати - чем бы Роуз ни руководствовалась, когда красилась в рыжий, она поступила очень правильно: у нее бледная кожа, и темные волосы сильно это подчеркивали. А став рыжей, она как-то прям зарумянилась вся, засветилась!

Блин, сорри за то что повторил чужую тему. Ладно, чтоб она отличалась хоть чем-то - вот интервью из этого ток шоу на сколько я понял...
Alyssa Milano: So, I have this look and then I spike it up too. (laughing)
Interviewer: Alyssa Milano showed off her new pixie cut in between takes, telling us she did it because it’s easier to style. And, to celebrate her new found liberation that came with turning thirty.
Alyssa Milano: I have no hair left and it’s the most liberating feeling in the world.
Interviewer: Is it really?
Alyssa Milano: You know what, I, from the second it was done I never felt more like me. It’s just so much more my personality.
Holly Marie Combs: I think there’s like two people in Hollywood that can wear that hair and its..
Drew Fuller and Holly Marie Combs (at the same time): Halle Berry
Holly Marie Combs: And her.
Drew Fuller: Wow, we just said that at the same time.
Holly Marie Combs: I know we’re spending way too much time together.
Interviewer: Holly, you getting any ideas?
Holly Marie Combs: No, see I have enough hair for all of us. Alyssa actually just gave me..
Drew Fuller: She should cut her hair maybe to her shoulders.
Holly Marie Combs: (jokingly) Okay would you get over the cutting of my hair?
Interviewer: Back at work, after this scene, "cut" was also on the directors mind.
(to scene)
Phoebe: You’re willing to let Leo rot? Is that what you’re saying?
(most likely Chris in the background): No, but.
(all laughing)
Paige/Rose McGowan: Sh*t. Help him?
(someone reading lines): He needs us.
Paige/Rose McGowan: That’s it! I knew there was an "us"
Interviewer: A funny moment that was apparently difficult to shake.
Phoebe: Wait, (laughing) And composure.
Interviewer: The girls were more composed talking about season six.
(back to interview)
Rose McGowan: Six seasons are amazing. I don’t know many shows that ever even last that long. You know, when I started I really thought I was going to be for one season so it’s been a bit of a surprise for me.
Interviewer: All three cost starts, by the way, work more than play. No surprise they’re all single.
(to scene)
Phoebe: Paige I think he likes you.
(back to interview)
Interviewer: Is settling down, having a family, something that interests you? Is that it the cards for you some day?
Alyssa Milano: God, I hope so. You know, I um, my parents have been married forever. They met when they were fifteen years old. And, I have this incredible ideal of what a marriage should be and what a relationship should be which I think is good for me because I’m not going to settle for anything less than that at this point in my life. But, also bad for me because I have this incredible ideal. I’m pretty sure everything will work out the way its supposed to. It has this far.
Alyssa Milano: So, I have this look and then I spike it up too. (laughing)
Interviewer: Alyssa Milano showed off her new pixie cut in between takes, telling us she did it because it’s easier to style. And, to celebrate her new found liberation that came with turning thirty.
Alyssa Milano: I have no hair left and it’s the most liberating feeling in the world.
Interviewer: Is it really?
Alyssa Milano: You know what, I, from the second it was done I never felt more like me. It’s just so much more my personality.
Holly Marie Combs: I think there’s like two people in Hollywood that can wear that hair and its..
Drew Fuller and Holly Marie Combs (at the same time): Halle Berry
Holly Marie Combs: And her.
Drew Fuller: Wow, we just said that at the same time.
Holly Marie Combs: I know we’re spending way too much time together.
Interviewer: Holly, you getting any ideas?
Holly Marie Combs: No, see I have enough hair for all of us. Alyssa actually just gave me..
Drew Fuller: She should cut her hair maybe to her shoulders.
Holly Marie Combs: (jokingly) Okay would you get over the cutting of my hair?
Interviewer: Back at work, after this scene, "cut" was also on the directors mind.
(to scene)
Phoebe: You’re willing to let Leo rot? Is that what you’re saying?
(most likely Chris in the background): No, but.
(all laughing)
Paige/Rose McGowan: Sh*t. Help him?
(someone reading lines): He needs us.
Paige/Rose McGowan: That’s it! I knew there was an "us"
Interviewer: A funny moment that was apparently difficult to shake.
Phoebe: Wait, (laughing) And composure.
Interviewer: The girls were more composed talking about season six.
(back to interview)
Rose McGowan: Six seasons are amazing. I don’t know many shows that ever even last that long. You know, when I started I really thought I was going to be for one season so it’s been a bit of a surprise for me.
Interviewer: All three cost starts, by the way, work more than play. No surprise they’re all single.
(to scene)
Phoebe: Paige I think he likes you.
(back to interview)
Interviewer: Is settling down, having a family, something that interests you? Is that it the cards for you some day?
Alyssa Milano: God, I hope so. You know, I um, my parents have been married forever. They met when they were fifteen years old. And, I have this incredible ideal of what a marriage should be and what a relationship should be which I think is good for me because I’m not going to settle for anything less than that at this point in my life. But, also bad for me because I have this incredible ideal. I’m pretty sure everything will work out the way its supposed to. It has this far.
Кость, блин, когда вы темы то все научитесь смотреть то?
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